Simplifying concurrency w/ Kotlin Coroutines : A utility function

Simplifying concurrency w/ Kotlin Coroutines : A utility function

Executes a coroutine with configurable dispatchers for subscription and observation.


6 min read

Concurrent programming, which involves running multiple tasks simultaneously, can be challenging. However, Kotlin, a popular programming language, provides powerful support for simplifying asynchronous operations. In this article, we'll introduce you to a handy utility function called withCoroutine which leverages Kotlin coroutines to make concurrent programming easier, even if you're a beginner.

Understanding withCoroutine

withCoroutine is a function that can make our life easier when we want to perform multiple tasks concurrently. It helps us to specify how and where these tasks run and how to handle their results and potential errors. In simple terms, it's like a helper function that takes care of the hard parts of concurrent programming, so we can focus on your actual tasks.

Here's how withCoroutine works:

  • It allows us to pick where your tasks start (subscribeOn) and where we observe their results (observeOn).

  • We can define the main asynchronous task we want to execute (the block parameter).

  • It provides us with a way to respond to successful task completion (onSuccess) and handle errors if something goes wrong (onError).

Let's break down these components:

  • subscribeOn: This part is like picking a "workplace" for your tasks. For example, we can say, "Hey, I want my tasks to run in the background," and subscribeOn will make sure your tasks are done in the background, not on the main thread, which keeps your app responsive.

  • observeOn: This part is about where you look at the results of your tasks. It's like saying, "I want to see the results on the main thread." This is crucial for updating our app's user interface, as you should only make UI changes on the main thread.

  • block: Think of this as the actual work we want to do. If we want to make a network request, fetch data from a database, or do any other task, this is where we define it.

  • onSuccess: Here, we tell the function what to do when the task is completed. This could be displaying data or updating your app's UI.

  • onError: If something goes wrong, such as a network error or a database issue, this part lets us define how to handle those problems. We can display an error message, for instance.

Practical Examples

Let's see withCoroutine in action with some beginner-friendly examples.

Example 1: Fetching Data from a Network

Imagine we want to fetch some data from a web service and display it in our app. Here's how we can use withCoroutine:

    block = {
        // Your network request code goes here
        // e.g., making an HTTP request using a library like Retrofit
    onSuccess = { result ->
        // This is where you handle the successful result
        textView.text = result.toString()
    onError = { error ->
        // If something goes wrong, you can handle it here
        showToast("An error occurred: ${error.message}")

In this example, withCoroutine ensures that our network request doesn't block the main thread, which keeps our app responsive. It also makes it easy to display data or show an error message.

Example 2: Working with a Local Database

Suppose we want to fetch data from a local database. withCoroutine helps us to keep our app smooth by running database queries in the background:

    block = {
        // This is where you query your local database for data
    onSuccess = { result ->
        // Handle the successful database query result here
    onError = { error ->
        // Handle errors in a user-friendly way

With this setup, we can focus on your database queries, and withCoroutine ensures that everything happens where it should, in the background and on the main thread.

Example 3: Combining Multiple Tasks

We can also use withCoroutine to combine the results of multiple tasks. For instance, let's say we want to fetch data from both the network and the database and display the combined result:

    block = {
        val resultFromNetwork = async { fetchDataFromNetwork() }
        val resultFromDatabase = async { fetchDataFromDatabase() }
        resultFromNetwork.await() + resultFromDatabase.await()
    onSuccess = { combinedResult ->
        // Handle the combined result, e.g., update your app's UI
    onError = { error ->
        // Handle errors gracefully

In this example, we're combining data from two sources efficiently, and withCoroutine ensures that it all works as expected.

Side Effects

There are a few potential issues or side effects that could lead to app crashes or memory leaks:

  1. Nested CoroutineScopes: The code uses nested CoroutineScope and launch calls. This can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. In this code, we have a CoroutineScope and launch inside another launch. While it's not inherently wrong, we should be cautious and make sure that we understand the concurrency behavior of this code. If not handled carefully, it could lead to unexpected concurrency issues.

  2. Resource Leak with Job: We create a Job instance for each call to withCoroutine. These jobs need to be canceled when they are no longer needed to prevent resource leaks. It's good that we have a job.cancel() in the finally block to cancel the job, but we have to make sure that this function is always called, even in the case of exceptions.

  3. Error Handling: This code catches exceptions and invokes onError in two places. This may lead to handling errors twice in some scenarios.

  4. Thread Safety: If the onSuccess or onError functions perform operations that affect the UI, we must ensure they are running on the main thread. In this code, we use withContext(observeOn) before invoking onSuccess and onError, which is good. However, we should ensure that these callbacks don't execute on a background thread, as it may cause UI-related issues.

  5. Dispatcher Choices: The default dispatchers Dispatchers.IO and Dispatchers.Main are reasonable choices. However, be aware that the IO dispatcher represents a thread pool for IO-bound tasks, and we might need to consider custom dispatchers depending on our use case. Using inappropriate dispatchers could lead to performance issues, especially if we're running too many tasks on the main thread.

  6. Exception Propagation: Ensure that exceptions thrown by block are handled gracefully. Unhandled exceptions in your asynchronous tasks can lead to app crashes. The provided code does catch these exceptions, but we should make sure we are logging them or appropriately handling them.

  7. Resource Management: If the block function has any resource allocations or cleanup (e.g., opening files, database connections), ensure that these resources are correctly managed to prevent resource leaks.


Kotlin coroutines, with the help of the withCoroutine utility function, can significantly simplify concurrent programming. Whether you're fetching data from a network, working with a local database, or combining multiple tasks, withCoroutine is a valuable tool for managing asynchronous operations. It keeps your code clean and readable, helps ensure your app's responsiveness, and takes full advantage of Kotlin's coroutine capabilities. Even if you're new to concurrent programming, withCoroutine makes it more accessible and less daunting.

That's it for today. Happy Coding...
