How to execute any operations in an *Adapter or a *ViewHolder under the foreground activity's lifecyclescope?

How to execute any operations in an *Adapter or a *ViewHolder under the foreground activity's lifecyclescope?

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Yes, we can do that, EASILY!

By using: DI (Hilt) | FUN, right?

Let's check the snapshot::

(PNG Image, 4008 × 4772 pixels) — Scaled (20%).png


We have an abstract class "ActivityAdapter" that takes "Context" as a parameter and contain an Single API "getCoroutineScope()" to get the Activity's LifecycleScope (Force Casting) as a callback.


We are receiving the "Context" in the "TestAdapter" with the help of "DI, THE SAVIOUR" :D and adapter is extended from "ActivityAdapter". Now we can access the LifecycleScope of foreground activity's in the *Adapter or *ViewHolder in runtime.

Third (Final Step),

Register the "TestAdapter" in the any module which is bound to Activity lifecyle or annotated with "@InstallIn(ActivityComponent::class)". This module make sure that "TestAdapter" receive the foreground activity context as a parameter when client "@Inject" "TestAdapter" in an Activity or a Fragment.

Happy Coding...