Dependency Injection (Android): Implementation with Examples (Hilt) [PART 3]

Dependency Injection (Android): Implementation with Examples (Hilt) [PART 3]


2 min read


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Before you get started with the examples, check out PART 1 and PART 2

Install Hilt on Application

  • Add dependencies

  • Annotate YouApplicationClass with @HiltAndroidApp

  • Code:

MyApplication : Application()

To Provide Dependency to Activity/Fragment

  • To @Inject any object to Activity or Fragment, we need to annotate Activity or Fragment with @AnroidEntryPoint

  • Code:

SampleActivity : BaseActivity(){
      lateinit var somethingObject : SomethingObject

To Provide Dependency to ViewModel

  • To @Inject any object to ViewModel, we need to annotate ViewModel with @HiltViewModel and @Inject the constructor.

  • Code:

SomethingViewModel @Inject constructor() : BaseViewModel(){
      lateinit var somethingObject : SomethingObject

ViewModel Constructor Injection

  • To @Inject objects to ViewModel, we need to annotate ViewModel with @HiltViewModel and @Inject the constructor.

  • Code:

SomethingViewModel @Inject constructor
(private val somethingObject : SomethingObject) 
: BaseViewModel(){...}

Provide Foreground Activity Context to any Injectable Class

  • To provide ActivityContext to any Injectable Class, @Inject class constructor and annotate context with @ActivityContext and register in ActivityComponent module to provide the Context.

  • Code:

// Lets see how to inject a custom dialog object to an activity or fragment

// First, create a CustomDialog class and inject the constructor with Context object
class CustomDialog @Inject constructor(@ActivityContext private val context : Context){....}

// Second, Register the CustomDialog to any ActivityComponent module
object ActivityModule{
    fun provideCustomDialog(@ActivityContext context : Context) : CustomDialog = CustomDialog(context)

// Third, Inject the CustomDialog to any activity or fragment
class Activity/Fragment : BaseActivity/BaseFragment{
    lateinit var customDialog : CustomDialog

How to Inject Interface or Abstract Class

  • To provide an instance of Interface or Abstract Class to any dependent object, we can't directly inject any interface or abstract class becuase there is no way to initialize interface or abstract class. So, we have to provide an Implementation of the interface or abstract class.

  • Code:

// Define an interface
interface SomethingObject{
    fun doSomething()

// Define the implementation
class SomethingObjectImpl @Inject constructor() : SomethingObject{
    fun doSomething(){...}

// Register the SomeObject to any *Component module
object SomethingModule{    
    fun provideSomethingObject() : SomethingObject = SomethingObjectImpl()

That's it for this series. Happy Coding...
