Android : Managing WebView Callbacks with BuildConfig Securely.

Android : Managing WebView Callbacks with BuildConfig Securely.

Securely managing WebView Callbacks for Payments, Orders, and Others with BuildConfig in Android.

In Android development, buildConfigField is a powerful tool for defining constants at build time. It allows developers to embed configuration values directly into the generated BuildConfig class, making them accessible throughout the application code. One common scenario where buildConfigField is invaluable is in managing WebView callbacks, especially for tasks like payment verification, order processing, or any other critical operations involving web interactions.

Scenario: Managing WebView Callbacks

WebView is often used in Android apps to show web content, like payment forms, order confirmations, or any interaction needing secure verification. Handling callbacks from WebView means making sure the callback URLs are trusted and processed securely within the app.

Understanding buildConfigField

Before we look at practical examples, let's understand how buildConfigField works:

  • Definition: buildConfigField is set up in our build.gradle file inside the android block. It lets us define constants of different types (String, boolean, int, etc.) that are added to your app's BuildConfig class during the build process.

  • Usage: Constants defined with buildConfigField can be accessed through the BuildConfig class in our Kotlin or Java code. They allow us to customize our app based on build flavors, build types, or specific settings.

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s go through how to use buildConfigField to manage callback URLs securely in our Android app:

1. Define Callback URLs inbuild.gradle :

First, define the callback URLs as a String field in our build.gradle file. For example:

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            buildConfigField("String", "PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\"")
            buildConfigField("String", "ORDER_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\"")
            // Define other callback URLs as needed
        debug {
            buildConfigField("String", "PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\"")
            buildConfigField("String", "ORDER_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\"")
            // Define other debug callback URLs as needed

In this example:

  • PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL and ORDER_CALLBACK_URL are set with different values for release and debug build types. Change these URLs based on our environment (production, staging, development, etc.).
2. Accessing Callback URLs in Kotlin Code:

Next, access these callback URLs from our Kotlin code, such as in an Activity or a ViewModel:

val paymentCallbackUrl = BuildConfig.PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL
val orderCallbackUrl = BuildConfig.ORDER_CALLBACK_URL
// Access other callback URLs as needed

Integrate WebView in our app to handle loading and navigation events. Make sure that when WebView loads a URL, we check if it matches any of the allowed callback URLs defined in BuildConfig.

webView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
    override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView?, request: WebResourceRequest?): Boolean {
        val url = request?.url.toString()

        // Check if the URL matches any of the allowed callback URLs
        if (url == paymentCallbackUrl) {
            // Handle payment confirmation logic
            // Example: Update payment status in our app
            return true // Consumes the URL, prevents WebView from loading it
        } else if (url == orderCallbackUrl) {
            // Handle order confirmation logic
            // Example: Update order status in our app
            return true // Consumes the URL, prevents WebView from loading it

        // For other URLs, allow WebView to load normally
        return false
4. Enhancing Security and Maintenance:
  • Security: By using buildConfigField to define callback URLs, we manage them in one place and ensure they are included in our app during the build process. This lowers the risk of hardcoding sensitive URLs directly in our code.

  • Maintenance: We can easily update callback URLs for different environments (e.g., production, staging) by changing build.gradle without altering your app’s code.

5. Error Handling and Edge Cases:
  • Implement strong error handling for situations where unexpected URLs are loaded in WebView.

  • We have to think about edge cases like network failures, server timeouts, and user interruptions during WebView interactions.


Using buildConfigField in Android apps, especially for managing WebView callbacks, boosts security, simplifies maintenance, and adds flexibility for different build setups. By setting callback URLs as build configuration fields, developers can securely manage payment verification, order confirmations, and other important tasks involving WebView.This method makes development easier and improves the reliability and security of WebView integrations in our Android app.

That's it for today. Happy Coding...